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Antidiabetic and nutrient-dense state vegetable of Uttarakhand

Nettle, locally known as "Kandali" in Uttarakhand, is a significant regional wild plant and has been recognized as the state vegetable. It is a type of stinging nettle that goes by the botanical name "Urtica dioica" and grows abundantly in the hilly terrains of Uttarakhand. Despite its stinging properties due to the presence of tiny hair-like structures that inject irritants into the skin, nettle has long been valued for its rich nutritional and medicinal properties.

nettle leaf

In Uttarakhand, kandali is commonly consumed as a traditional dish called *bichhu ghaas ka saag*. The stinging hairs lose their effect when the leaves are cooked, making them safe for consumption. Kandali is often sautéed with spices and sometimes cooked with lentils or flour to make soups and gravies. Its unique flavour and high nutritional content have made it a cherished food in the region, especially during the spring season when the plant is harvested.

Nettle is highly nutritious, containing vitamins A, C, K, and several B vitamins and minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. It is also an excellent source of plant-based proteins and dietary fibre. Due to its high iron content, it is often recommended for those suffering from anaemia or low energy levels.

One study confirms that Urtica dioica possesses antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties.

Kandali has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. It is known to have anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and detoxifying properties. The plant helps treat ailments like arthritis, skin conditions, respiratory problems, and digestive issues. It is also a natural remedy for promoting hair growth and improving scalp health.

In Uttarakhand, nettle holds a special place in the local culture, not just as food but also in folklore and tradition. The Kandali Festival celebrated every 12 years in the Chaudas Valley of Pithoragarh, is a testament to its cultural importance. This festival marks the blooming of the Kandali plant and involves various rituals, dances, and community feasts where Kandali is prominently featured.

Kandali reflects the deep connection between the people of Uttarakhand and their natural environment, demonstrating how wild plants can play a crucial role in nutrition and culture.


  1. Dar, S. A., Ganai, F. A., Yousuf, A. R., Balkhi, M. ul H., Bhat, T. M., & Sharma, P. (2012). Pharmacological and toxicological evaluation of Urtica dioica. Pharmaceutical Biology, 51(2), 170–180.

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