Skin ages both intrinsically (internally) and extrinsically (due to environmental factors).
Intrinsic ageing is an irreversible biological process and is characterised by wrinkles and pale, dry skin.
Extrinsic ageing is caused due to environmental factors like exposure to UV rays and lifestyle choices like smoking, alcohol, exposure to harmful chemicals, a bad diet and bad air quality.
Your lifestyle and skincare routine play a crucial role in how you photo-age.
You cannot reverse ageing but you can influence how you photo age through these tips we share with you below.
Eat a good diet rich in Essential Fatty Acids like Omega 3, Omega 6, Vit E, Vit A and Vit C.
Eat a diet rich in polyphenols and antioxidants like berries.
Always wear a sunscreen
Avoid alcohol and smoking
Moisturize and nourish your skin topically with the right ingredients
Double cleanse when you remove makeup
Avoid makeup whenever you can
Go for nature walks and soak all that oxygen
Stay positive
Moisturize daily! Moisturizing is essential in ageing skin care. As we age, the skin loses the structural proteins and lipids it needs to maintain the skin barrier function and the skin becomes drier and prone to inflammation.
"Do not regret getting older! It’s a blessing denied to many!"